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Tuesday 27 July 2021


Beach Buoy reached the carpark at 6-18 a.m.
The lady who goes around the parking meters, checking the coin return trays for returned coins had completed her rounds.
A two strong 7 a.m. club passed on the promenade as Beach Buoy stepped out of the van.
It was odd seeing Mari the Poodle on a lead.
She was such a free spirit on the beach.

Beach Buoy was still stuck in third gear, walking-wise.
The  (Early.) 7a.m. club were already at the water's edge, chatting to another beach-goer.

The group still chatted as Beach Buoy approached the sea.
The other beach-goer had a very very wet, very very friendly dog.
Beach Buoy found this to be the case as the dog in question came bounding over in search of a neck scratch.

Beach Buoy reached the water's edge at 6-29, with 
very very wet  and sandy hands .
High tide was at 6-33.
There wasn't a breath of wind.
The Wind Turbines stood as if unemployed.

The tide had turned leaving smoother sand to walk on.

He continued south.
The going was becoming easier.
It was still early.
There wasn't many people about.

He did have a camera-shy Seal for company. 
It was just offshore also travelling south, oddly at about the same speed that Beach Buoy was.
Beach Buoy charted its progress each time that it popped up for air or a look about.

Beach Buoy collected six stones for 
Stubborn Dog Stack.

The Dune grass looked different, taller, more dense around 
Stubborn Dog Stack.
It was as if he hadn't been at the stack for a long time.
Beach Buoy though it must just be today's milky light that was giving the area a different feel.

He placed the beach stones before patting 
"Morning Mate."

Beach Buoy was glad of the stack.
He admired the excellent view.

Nearby Dandelions were going to seed.

"See you later Mate..."

Beach Buoy headed back.
Terns fell into the sea like failed paper aeroplanes.

Beach Buoy recalled how his Father would make excellent paper aeroplanes from Littlewood's Pools Coupons.
The copy coupon made a perfect tail section.

As the walk was coming to an end, two Oyster Catchers flew North above the water's edge.
They looked a little like silhouettes  with the milky backdrop behind them.
Their shape, with a slight hump behind the head looked as if each had a tiny pilot sat in the cockpit at the controls.....