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Saturday 24 July 2021


Beach Buoy arrived at the car park at 6-15 a.m.
The tide was well out.
It was slightly overcast.
There was no breeze.
The Wind Turbines looked as if they were playing a game of Statues and the music had just stopped.

Beach Buoy started a slow walk to the south.
A somewhat depleted 7 a.m. club were up ahead.

As he walked, he scanned the surface of the sea, in the hope of spotting a dolphin or two.
Rays of sunlight shone through breaks in the cloud, like searchlights assisting in the search.

The early and depleted 7 a.m. club came along.
Mari the Big Friendly Poodle came bounding over from the dune edge as her owner litter-picked the strand line.
Beach Buoy gave the Dog a good neck rub as he asked
"Have you been up to see Stubborn Dog?"

Beach Buoy headed up to Stubborn Dog Stack.
"Morning Mate."
he placed three stones onto the stack 
before eating 
He went to the nearby dune edge, calling Stubborn Dog to follow as he did so.
"They" sat as Beach Buoy drank coffee and took tablets.
Some of the Wind Turbines; the ones to the south, began to turn.
The others joined in slowly as the breeze and the word spread like a game of Chinese Whispers.
"Turn the blades slowly"
ending up as 
"Fern shades lowly."
Eventually they all danced to the same tune, as one.

The view to the south from the dune edge, just in front of Stubborn Dog Stack.
Suddenly, a fair way out; Dolphins!
Beach Buoy watched as they worked their way north across the Bay.
He gave up trying to photograph them, 
choosing to just enjoy the view.
Then they were gone.....
It had been lovely, just Beach Buoy, Stubborn Dog and the Dolphins.
It was as if everyone knew not to walk by on the beach, not a soul in sight.

By the time Beach Buoy had said
"See you later Mate." 
before heading to the water's edge, it was lights, camera and action.
People and Dogs seemed to appear from nowhere.
The Sea Serpent appeared too, an easier subject to catch with the camera.
The tide came in as Joggers jogged.

Beach Buoy wandered down towards 
The Seaton Carew Wreck.

Plenty of timbers on show today.
Sometimes the sand claims it back as its own.

There is an information board on the Promenade.
The wreck is situated straight out to sea from the board's position.

Beach Buoy headed back to van.

A new sticker had arrived for the van.

Coffee and Muffin in the van.

Beach Buoy headed to base camp and headed out on his bike to the Marina.
Marina Monkey.

Beach Buoy headed back along the promenade towards Seaton Carew.

The North end of the beach was quiet.

 The beach to the north was beginning to fill up as the morning went on.