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Monday 19 July 2021


Beach Buoy continued with his his goal to become work -fit, part of which is getting up and out early in the morning.

Ideally without any old man sound effects.

By 6-25 a.m. he was at 


road junction.

Right turn to head to work, six miles away.

Left turn to make the short journey to the beach.

He turned left.

The tide was low.

The Wind Turbines out in the bay were motionless.

No breeze on a mild morning.

 The Sun was partially hidden by some welcome cloud.

A lady had joined the beach from the Car Park with her two Dogs, Labradors; one black, one golden in colour.

They stayed up near to the dunes.

Beach Buoy made a bee-line for the flat, wet, tide-exposed sand.

He picked his way carefully over soft dry sand, shaped by thousands of foot and paw prints, markers  from multiple day trips and falls.

To the North, where two areas of the beach have been fenced off to protect the nesting Little Terns, the dune grass was making the most of the lack of disturbance.

This area of beach doesn't usually have dune grass.

The grass may disappear once the birds have flown and the area is left open to the public once more?

Beach Buoy headed south.

The Black Labrador that had been up near the dunes bounded over to Beach Buoy, to say hello.

It was a large friendly dog, but from a distance looked like a Grizzly Bear giving chase.

Beach Buoy carried on south after welcoming the large black dog.

Shortly afterwards the Gold Labrador decided that bounding over to Beach Buoy was good idea.

The lady with three Greyhounds and a baseball cap were heading south, down near the water's edge.

Beach Buoy took aim at the dunes with Stubborn Dog Stack in his sights.

"Morning Mate."

Beach Buoy scattered a few beach-picked stones onto the stack before  patting 



He paused a while.

The Golden Labrador came up into the dunes to see the stack.

Shortly afterwards, Mari, the big friendly Poodle was there too.

"See you later Mate."


A man headed North .

Beach Buoy followed suit with some of the 7 a.m. club

for company.

Chats were chatted.

Goodbyes were said.

Beach Buoy headed to the van.

He sat in the door-well where the side door opens, thinking and drinking water.

The lady who goes around checking the Parking Meters each morning for returned coins, in the returned coins tray was returning home.

Beach Buoy moved to the driver's seat of the van, just in time...

Just in time to see three Dolphins head south across the bay, towards the River Tees.

Beach Buoy tried unsuccessfully to photograph the gorgeous creatures.