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Friday 12 February 2021


Beach Buoy had been to work.

He had woke and rose at around 4-30 am.

Work was 7 until 3.

As he drove back to Seaton Carew he looked at the frozen flooded fields that stood nearby on his route into the village.

It was cold.

As he reached the tarmac tombolo, near the fire station, he noticed once more that the fresh water side was frozen, the sea water side clear.

It was very cold.

Beach Buoy collected Stubborn Dog, a "Fun"size bar of chocolate and a splash of coffee.

The 'Fun" size bar was one bite big... not much fun.

Now one as big as the van's dashboard, now that would be fun.

They reached the beach at around 3-44pm.

Beach Buoy noticed a ship that seemed to be having a problem entering the Port of Hartlepool, thanks to the weather.

They managed.

The sea was wild.

The wind blew from the south west and was bitterly cold.

The chill went to the bone.

They walked the short distance to the water's edge as the ship made  into Port safely.

A dog called Luna came to say hello.

Stubborn Dog scattered the much larger dog in an instant.

The cold ripped through any clothes that Beach Buoy was wearing as if they were not there at all.

It was so bright but so very cold, so cold it almost took Beach Buoy's breathe away as he walked the wavy walk of the wavy water's edge.

The Village looked  gorgeous in the brightest of sunshine.

The beach wasn't busy, the cold saw to that issue.

Anyone that did pass did so in silence.

It was almost too cold to start up a conversation.

The Bay was angry once more.

The Sea Front was taking a bit of a battering from the North Sea.

Gulls bobbed up and down in the sea behind the mass of breaking waves.

They stacked  the stack.

The sun lowered to the west across the dunes.

Beach Buoy and his mate began a slow walk back.


A Lone Cormorant headed for the river, it air surfed the waves as it did so.