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Tuesday 9 February 2021


Beach Buoy had been to work.

He went for Stubborn Dog and headed for the beach as rays of winter sun and random flakes of snow touched the ground.

They reached the windswept car park at 3-40pm.

Seabirds sought refuge in the car park.

They all faced the icy wind.

Some were squatted down.

Some stood waiting for the wind to ease.

One wobbled, it only had one leg. 

It was trying its best to stand with the others.

In the end it gave up and sat down in an ungainly manner; it sat as well as the rest of the sitters.

The council had been removing sand that had built up against the promenade wall.

Their vehicles had left many tyre tracks; an attractive pattern indeed.

Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog followed some lonely looking tracks the disappeared to the south.

The tide had peaked a couple of hours earlier.

It was receding, it just didn't look like it was.

The strong wind, coupled with the turmoil in the bay seemed to have other ideas? 

A lady walked a large white husky dog, maybe it had  blown in with the recent snowfall?

The sea was wild.

A couple followed  from the north; their little dog chasing already weary seabirds as it ran around excitedly.

The flakes of snow became hail.

The couple turned back, cutting their walk to the Pier short.

Beach Buoy collected five beach rocks.

Each as big as two fists

They headed back with the wind on their backs.

They were almost frogmarched down the beach.

A glance back to the south showed that the weather was moving into the river mouth and down the river itself.

Gulls hovered above the water's edge.

 As the end of the walk approached, it looked like the north was in 

for some bad weather too?


They joined the promenade  from the dunes.

