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Thursday 25 February 2021


Beach Buoy, Stubborn Dog and Walter reached the beach car park at 4-20 pm.

Beach Buoy had a sip of hot coffee from his thermal cup.

As they left the van, the Village Church Bells rang out

for 4-30.

It was 4-28.

It was very sunny with a wind from the west.

 It only seemed a few weeks ago that 4-28 pm would have meant scampering back to the van in the fading light.

There was an odd selection of beachwear on show, from t shirt and shorts to anoraks with hoods up.

They hadn't gone far when Beach Buoy spotted the first barefoot footprint of the year,  pressed into the soft sand.

The three headed south along the strand line.

The Village looked lovely in the late-in-the-day light.

A Lonely Moon watched as a ship sailed into Port.

Horses raced northwards.

A single clump of dune grass caught the low sun, looking like an unattended  beach bonfire.

The lonely moon had a friend.

The stack was high enough to see from the beach now.

 The sun lit up the top.

Beach Buoy added stones.

Walter and Stubborn Dog inspect the stacking skills.

It was after 5 pm and the sun shone !

Dune people.

Slow walk back.