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Saturday, 1 March 2025


 The van was back.

Beach Buoy scraped frost from its windscreen.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached Sandy Car Park at 6-45 a.m.

Two lady sea swimmers went down the southernmost access ramp ahead of Beach Buoy and Another Dog.
They all headed for the sea.

A lady stood with her dog and mobile phone camera, waiting for the sunrise.

The 7 a.m club gave distant waves with an additional distant shout.
Beach Buoy returned the wave.

They all headed south.

Beach Buoy realised that it was the first of March.
He held a collar as he said,
"White Rabbit, White Rabbit bring me good luck."
There has been one a few days ago, hiding behind the sun.

The 7 a.m. club turned back early.
They stopped for a chat.
No hugs this time.
Quite the opposite as Beach Buoy got a playful kick and a punch...
"For the first of the month."
They went there seperate ways.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog watched the sunrise with a crow for company.

The Sea Serpent, on the other flipper had Gulls for company.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog continued south with a frosty dune edge for company.

A recent tide had left shingle strips,
like a beach Zebra Crossing.
Beach Buoy walked it.
He looked left and right as he walked.
Not for traffic but for bottle tops and sea worn glass.

To the north, random sea front houses caught the sun, even though it was rising, not falling.

Beach Buoy gathered five suitable stones.
They walked the frosty low level route.

The driftwood plank with plenty of rust and frost, had been thrown onto the beach below.

Down in the Bay, the Sea Serpent twisted and turned in the spring sunlight.

Beach Buoy returned the driftwood plank with plenty of rust to Stubborn Dog Stack.
He added five stones.
They were all suitable.
He patted 
It was 7-16.
"Morning Mate."

On the beach below, Team One Black Ear had been and were going.

 A lady jogged north with her two dogs.

He sat on the driftwood plank with plenty of rust.
The frosted side was facing down.

He had a sit and think.

"See you mate."

They headed south along the dune edge for a while.

Frosted driftwood pieces were spread out like art installations.

More frosted driftwood.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog turned back.
He patted 
stone once more as he reached Stubborn Dog Stack for a second time.

Back along the low level route onto the beach.

A young couple headed south with cups of coffee and a future.
"Morning Mate alright."

Up ahead, a couple, two dogs and a pink bag.

Beach Buoy walked to the water's edge.

A splendid start to the day.

The Metal Detectorist.

The man with three dogs who once had four headed south.
"Morning alright?"
"Yes. You?
"Yes it's lovely again.
Don't mind these."

The wreck today.
Beach Buoy didn't go too close.
He didn't want to disturb the Gull crew.

The couple with the pink bag now had two blue ones in addition.
They filled the bags with beach, before climbing the beach access ramp.

The village church bells rang 
 for 8 a.m.
The Coastal Cabin was open for business.