Beach Buoy and Another Dog set off on foot and paw at 8-31 a.m.
It had rained.
As they walked down Elizabeth Way, Beach Buoy could see that the Wind Turbines were edge on.
The blades faced the wind from the south.
The Golf Club Flag flapped, confirming the wind's direction.
They reached The Esplanade.
It rained.
At least Beach Buoy would see just how waterproof his new orange coat actually is.
The Beachcombing Border Collie Couple were just leaving the beach.
It was a grey old morning.
Grey mornings can be great too.
A man headed to The Seaton Carew Wreck.
Nearby, over two hundred Starlings stood on the beach as they faced the wind and rain.
From a distance they looked like a good scatter of seacoal.
Beach Buoy went to the wreck too.
It was too wet to be making notes in Beach Buoy's Beach Book .
People and dogs passed by without note.
In a sky full of grey.
The sun tried
It was still raining but there was no hope of a rainbow in a sky so full of grey.
They continued south.
The patterned beach was gorgeous.
The beach to the north.
To the south a large flock of distant birds travelled inland, like a shape-shifting black cloud in an otherwise grey sky.
Beach Buoy climbed the big slope.
He paused at the top.
Like a kid he stuck out his tounge, letting the warm rain land on it.
It's good to be nine again every now and again.
"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
They didn't stay.
Both Beach Buoy and Another Dog we're soaked.
They slid down the small slope.
The rain stopped, job done.
Horses arrived at Beach Buoy and Another Dog sqealshed their way back.