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Saturday 18 March 2023


Saturday afternoon. 
Beach Buoy and Another Dog set off for the beach on foot at 3-48 p.m.
It was overcast.
As they headed towards the golf club, Beach Buoy could see that the wind turbines beyond were stood idle.  
At the end of the sea front, a captured moon was being used as a lamp. 
Around ten minutes after setting off they were crossing the Promenade to reach the beach. 
Two people chatted happily on one of the happy to chat benches.
One looked happier than the other. 
It was the angle of lean that gave it away.

Dramatic clouds ran across the sky as if trying to avoid a shower. 

A broken fence of people lined the water's edge.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south with black clouds and a man with an annoying voice were close behind. 
Beach Buoy and Another Dog sped up.
More to escape the man talking on blue tooth than escape the clouds.
It wasn't working he was gaining, the clouds too.  

It became darker.

It began to rain.
They headed back for shelter. 
The Bluetooth man thankfully headed to the dunes.

They headed for the bus station shelter.

It's clock was incorrect.

It's shelters were dry.

A perfect place to wait for the rain to ease.

Until ... A man on Bluetooth came to continue his conversation.
He couldn't have stood much closer.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog braved the rain and let the man be.