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Saturday 11 March 2023



Beach Buoy woke at 5-40 a.m.
By 5-55 the kettle was on for two coffees.
One for the beach.
One for in the van, "later."
There was a blood orange sky out in the bay.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog arrived in the empty car park at 6-29.
A cyclist passed on the promenade.
A red car pulled up.
A man stepped out.
He was a sunrise seeker, he headed to the water's edge, phone at the ready. 
He squatted at the water's edge to obtain a photograph. 
Next he was up on the dune heights doing the same. 
Then hurriedly back to the water's edge as the light changed.
He headed back to the car park, checking through the photographs that he had taken as he walked.

As days become longer, sunrise begins to take place over sea, not land. 
It did today. 
It glowed for around ten minutes, until, like Beach Buoy, put it's head in the clouds. 

The air was quite still but chilled.
The tide was well in.
The 7 a m. Club arrived from the north.
People and dogs greeted one another. 
Dogs wagged tails as humans chatted. 
Goodbyes given.

 Beach Buoy and Another Dog continued south. 
Before long the beach was theirs.
Beach Buoy collected three sandy coloured stones as they walked. 
They were heading to Stubborn Dog Stack.
The sea had taken scoops of sand from the base of the sandy slope.

The edges of foot and paw prints on the slope were highlight by frost.

Another Dog scampered to the top first.
She marked her territory before back-kicking sand into Beach Buoy's face.
He's experienced it before, off dogs and people. 
Sometimes with no sand involved at all.

They reached Stubborn Dog Stack at 7 a.m.
Beach Buoy added some stones. 
He patted
"Morning Mate."
He drank coffee as he looked around 360 degrees.
Snow clung to the hills to the south. 
Waves broke to the east. 
"See you mate."
They headed down to the beach.
They continued south.

Beach Buoy found a driftwood Sand Martin.
He placed it onto the dune edge, looking out to sea.

Another Dog wasn't looking too impressed.

Beach Buoy explained why he had placed the driftwood Sand Martin so.
They carried  on.

Camp Distant Wave.
With a new occupant.

They passed the dip in the dunes.

Beach Buoy finished the last of the coffee on North Gare Pier.
A man passed by, binoculars hung around his neck.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog began to head back to the beach.

A slow walk back, with a wave to the stack as they passed.

Paradise on the doorstep....

They reached the Promenade.
Beach Buoy binned the beach clean.

He rested up against the Promenade Wall.
Another Dog was scooped up so she could enjoy the view.
They people watched a while.
The morning beach, like a clockwork toy, slowly unwound before them.

Pebblis with Leggis a Latin name ?

