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Sunday, 27 February 2022


Beach Buoy and Another Dog returned to the beach at 4-20 p.m.
It had been sunny all day.
The morning breeze had become a wind.
A wind from the south east.
Shifting sands snaked like a sneaking Russian from the dunes.

The tide was a fair way out.
The sky was so clear, truly not a cloud in sight .
The water's edge belonged to a jogger and a Parcel of Oyster Catchers.

Beach Buoy was about to head up to
Stubborn Dog Stack
when he noticed two people up at the stack.
One seemed to crouch down, possibly reading the names of lost pets.
Beach Buoy had offered to paint names of lost pets from around the world on suitable beach stones. 
They range from Australia to America and of course more local ones too.
The couple headed south towards the river.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed up to the stack.

Beach Buoy added some stones and patted
"Afternoon Mate."
Someone had added a wooden marker.
perhaps the couple who had just been at the stack?
They stayed a while they started to head to North Gare Pier.
Beach Buoy sipped coffee every now and then as they walked.
The wind was could and although it couldn't be described as biting it was certainly having a nibble.
Gloved hands went into pockets.
Two hoods were up.

They headed back.
A lady with two Labradors headed south.
One Cream.
One Chocolate.
The parcel of Oyster Catchers that had seemed determined to stay put,took flight, powered by a Brown Waggy Spaniel in hot pursuit.

The couple that had been up at the stack, were now heading back at a quicker pace than Beach Buoy and Another Dog.

They headed back to the van.




So this was Sunday.
Beach Buoy woke at 4-20 a.m.
Beach Buoy rose at 5-20 a.m.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog left for the beach at 6-05 a.m.
The sky over the bay looked stunning.

They reached the beach at 6-10 a.m.
Beach Buoy went to have a look at the beach.
Venus looked over the dunes.

He returned to the van.
There was a coffee and a jam doughnut with his name on.
Another Dog had a snack too.

Out on the Promenade, the unofficial leader of the 7 a.m. club walked his three dogs.
The silhouette of a dear stalker hat passed by.
Flamboyant hats allowed.

They went on the beach.
Heading for the sea, they passed the sad sight of a dead Harbour Porpoise.

As sunrise approached, Gulls took to the air.

They crossed patches of sea coal as they headed South up near the strand-line.
A man with a Labrador walked the water's edge.
The lady beachcomber arrived sporting her bright yellow RNLI style Wellington boots.
She had a friend and two small children along too.
All four beachcombing.
It was good to see youngsters out so early.
A habit that may continue in later life?

They headed towards the sea.
The light and reflections were gorgeous.
There was a strong breeze.
Even though the breeze was from the south it was cold.
One hat (Non- flamboyant) and two hoods were worn.
 Gloved hands were stuffed in orange pockets.
The 7 a.m. club passed by.
Mari the big friendly poodle came to say hello, as did the humans 
After a brief chat they went their separate ways.

Minutes before the sunrise a ship sailed into Port.
The light changed.
The sea seemed to turn a metallic blue.
The Sea Serpent rolled on the surface of the sea.

The Sun rose.
It was 6-59 a.m.

The Bay was bathed in the brightest of orange glows.

Others walked towards the light too.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed up to
Stubborn Dog Stack.
The climbed up the sandy slope to reach the dune edge.
Previous footprint dimples seemed to hold the golden sunlight.
"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added some more stones.
He patted
Beach Buoy soaked up the sunlight.
He decided to sit down on the beach to drink his coffee.
"See you mate."
They headed down to the beach, just in front of the dune edge and the stack beyond.

A driftwood bench was perfectly placed.
Beach Buoy sipped hot coffee.
Another Dog wanted to be up on Beach Buoy's knees.
Beach Buoy scooped up Another Dog .
He hugged the little dog and sobbed.
For a moment or two Stubborn Dog was back.
A puff of the cheeks and it was back to reality.
A breakaway member of the 7 a.m. club passed with his dog.
Distant waves were exchanged.
The beach combing Border Collie Couple headed along the beach.
Some beach goers stick to set times all year round. 
Beach Buoy is drawn to the sunrise like a moth to the flame.
Beach Buoy watched as people and dogs walked the beach.
It should be available for all.
Sadly the world hasn't grown up.

Beach Buoy screwed the lid of the thermal mug tightly.
He had saved some coffee for later.
He gave Another Dog another hug.
He tried to stand up without making old man noises.
He failed.
 Off they went.

As if to prove she wasn't Stubborn Dog, Another Dog led the way.
The were heading for Seaton Snooks.
"C'mon Old Man."

She headed to another sit and think spot.
They carried on.
A fresh breeze and full in their faces.
Two hoods came down, the hat remained.

Almost there.
It was only 7-30 a.m. and it felt like they had  the best of days.

They crossed over to
North Gare Beach
Seaton Snooks
The Blue Lagoon
They are one in the same.
They passed a piece of driftwood with a tale to tell.

This beach was more exposed.
The breeze was now a wind.
Beach Buoy just thought it was more invigorating than exposed, such was his train of thought.
The tide was way out.
It would be safe to cross the beach and head for Snook Point.
A man and dog walked the water's edge.

They reached the excellent driftwood shelter.
They sat down on the bench.
Beach Buoy drank coffee.
Beach Buoy thought thoughts of the recently learnt history of this part of the sea and riverside.

The view.
Press play.

It was a perfect spot.

Down on the riverside a man and dog headed towards a Buoy.
Beach Buoy stood up to head back.
A man and dog appeared obviously intent on doing the same that Beach Buoy had done.
"There you go mate, all yours."
"Thanks, just going to sit and eat my banana."
The two men, both in brightly coloured coats chatted.
They had a lot in common.
Campervan / motorhome.
Live in Seaton.
Both same age within days of one another.
The other man told Beach Buoy that Tuesday and Wednesday he camps over on South Gare for a change.
He added that Ben, his Jack Russell, liked to chase the rabbits.
It was a lovely chat.

"Enjoy your banana."
"He'll want half of it." was the reply as he pointed to his dog.

Beach Buoy put up two hoods, then set off to the north.
He wanted to capture his thoughts.
Like some sort of fishing net.
People walked and talked.
A Cormorant skimmed the surface of the sea.

 They said farewell to this particular beach.
The headed for Seaton Sands.
The sky seemed more sky blue than ever.
Over on Seaton beach they passed a resting seal.
It returned to the sea not long after, so hopefully all was ok ?

They passed Dotty Dog.
They had a chat.

They went their separate ways.



Beach Buoy had gone to bed at 10-20.
He woke at 12-20.
He woke at 3-20.
By 3-40 a.m. a pan of milk was on the boil for coffee.
Beach Buoy added words to some blog posts.

5-55 a.m. saw the first hint of light in the sky.

It was just after 6.
Two thermal mugs of coffee were made.
A toasted teacake was neatly wrapped in silver foil.
Beach Buoy loaded the van.
As he locked the front door, he glanced left.
He could see the lights of the Bay's Wind Turbines.
The sky out in the bay looked dramatic.

They arrived in an empty car park
at 6-18 a.m.
Beach Buoy went to the Promenade Wall. 
He gave the beach a coat of looking at.

The Moon hung over the dunes to the South.

Beach Buoy returned to the van.
He lit three sets of light that were dotted around the van.
He unscrewed the top of one of the thermal mugs.
Coffee steam rose.
He took a sip of coffee as he unwrapped the teacake.
It was like a present to himself.

They headed off to the beach at 6-40 a.m.
They had a special stone for 
Stubborn Dog Stack.
A lady leaned on the Promenade Wall to take a photograph of the bay.

The tide was way out.
Gulls took flight.
A depleted 7 a.m. club headed south.
A distant arm was raised.
"Morning Paul."
Beach Buoy raised a waving arm before echoing the

There was a breeze from the south west.
It was a slight but cold breeze.

They headed to the water's edge.
The pre sunrise light reflected on the wet sand.

It was just after 7 when the Sun rose.
Beach Buoy raised a thermal mug of coffee up to the sun.
They headed to the stack.

"Morning Mate."
He patted
He added more stones.

He took a swig of coffee from his thermal mug.
They stood and watched a golden sun turn lemon as it climbed into the sky.

There it was...
The first Skylark of the year.
So clear to hear.
So hard to see.

With a heart lifted by birdsong, Beach Buoy continued south through the dunes.

They reached North Gare Pier with the River Tees beyond it.
The lemon glow filled the river mouth.

As is sometimes the case, what was a breeze on Seaton Sands, was a wind on the riverside.
When wind is from the south west it can be funneled down the river.
The two hoods that went down at sunrise, went back up 
They walked along the edge of the river.

Two fishermen no doubt put the world to rights as they waited for a bite.

The sea rolled into the River.
The wind did what it could to halt the flow.

Back onto the Pier then return to Seaton Sands.

 A slow walk back started in the dunes and ended on the beach.
They waved to Stubborn Dog as they passed.


Friday, 25 February 2022


Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach car park at 3-45 p.m.
A fact confirmed by the sound of the village church bells, ringing a quarter of an hour.
Recent winds had finally blown themselves out.
It was a sunny afternoon with a slight breeze.
Schools were off for half term.
The car park was busy.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed for the access ramp.
A family of four were in front each carrying a folding chair.
"We'll find somewhere in the shade." said one the group.
Agreed it was sunny,  but it was a long way from being hot!
They may have their reasons?
Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to the sea as the chair family set up camp in the shade and shadow of the promenade wall.

Less sun shy family groups were dotted around the beach.
Coats were removed for goalposts as 
Dad v Son kicked off.
The tide was way out, so a busy beach looked not to be so.

Sand,sea and sky.


Down at the water's edge, mothers watched as their children played in the February, North Sea.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed up to
Stubborn Dog Stack.
Stones were added.
"Afternoon Mate."
He patted
Chocolate 👍
Dog treat 👍

It was lovely to be up in dunes without a strong wind for company.
Still no Skylarks to be heard.
A distant dog bark and a gently breaking sea the only sounds.
"See you tomorrow mate "
They returned to the beach.

 They headed back.

They reached the promenade.
An East European family group cycled by, speaking their native language.

A ginger haired lady climbed into a ginger coloured camper van and drove off.

For an hour or so it has felt a little like a piece of summer... Almost.

Beach Buoy.