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Tuesday 15 September 2020


It was 6-33 pm.
It was muggy.
It was more muggy than when Malcom Muggeridge was Mugged by someone who stole his Mug.
They pulled into a packed car park.
An elderly woman was stood at a parking meter, looking confused.
Beach Buoy drove alongside...
'Excuse me, its free to park after 6'

'Oh thank you.' said the lady.

Beach Buoy parked up.
They headed for the access ramp.
A young couple with two dogs were trying to make sense of the stupid signage and map that shows the dog ban area of the beach.

'You're fine to walk down the ramp and go all the way to the river and beyond.'
'Oh Thank you, its very confusing isn't it.'

The beach was busy.
The tide was well out so it made it feel less so.
Te dog-ban couple went to the water's edge and took selfies with a sea backdrop, as their dogs played merrily in the water.....

Beach Buoy stacked the stack and headed back
They were needed as family taxi. 

 They drove to town and waited ....