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Monday 7 September 2020


Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog reached the car park at 6-12 pm.
It was a bit blowy from the west.
Even though there were lots of clouds, it was a bright evening. 

The tide was more in than it was out.
Shingle patches were scattered around in crunchy sand; the softer sand had been blown out to sea.
It was a fairly quiet beach.
They stacked the stack.
Beach Buoy looked west, over the dunes.
The Dune grass was a sea of green, with waves and rolls of its own as the  good ship wind travelled across it.

They had a slow walk back.
Soft warm droplets of rainwater kissed Beach Buoy on the cheek.
It wasn't rain as such, just the odd droplet that had been carried in the wind.

They drove around to the Sea Front, opposite The Village Green.

Beach Buoy drank coffee as he alternated between looking at the sea and the sky above The Green.