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Sunday 20 September 2020


Stubborn Dog has many types of stubborn.

One is when Beach Buoy takes him out.

Beach Buoy will stand at the door; dog lead in hand.





In the end he has to give in and go and collect Stubborn Dog for the walk.

They reached the beach in time for sunrise..............

The three of them headed south... more about that later.

The high tide had not long turned.

The large piece of driftwood had help to create a mini cliff as the sea washed around then began to recede.

The sky was grey and the sea was green.

A drizzle drifted across the bay.

They sat at the grey rocks having a sit and think.

They... included Walter
today's guest beach buddy.

 They headed back to the van.
They passed a recently burnt beach bonfire and its unmistakable aroma.

Beach Buoy made coffee and unwound a little more; the van does that.