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Sunday 23 August 2020


Sunday morning 6-25 am.
Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog headed for the beach.
The Car Park was a hive of activity; council workers readying the CarPark and The Promenade for the coming day's visitors.
The Sun was out, up above a clear horizon.

Elsewhere, clouds filled the sky.

In time, the clouds claimed the Sun as the Sea claimed the beach

They continued south.
Three separate couples were heading back north.
1. Couple with story of their own.✔️
2. Rucksack man with a lady with a bag full of beach swag.✔️
3. Old lady with two walking sticks accompanied  by a tall man with a stoop.✔️

They stacked the stack.
Beach Buoy had his phone camera at the ready, as he was trying to photograph two camera-shy seals.

Then up popped some less camera-shy Dolphins.

Dolphins do this to people.
The 7 am club had spotted them too.
Beach Buoy must have taken around a hundred photographs, trying to catch a good shot of  the Dolphins. 

In the end he gave up and reached for the binoculars.
 He was rewarded with some lovely Dolphin activity in the bay, all from the stack too, which made it all the more special for Beach Buoy.

Then back to the van for coffee and nap.