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Tuesday 4 August 2020


They arrived at 6-50 pm.
The car park was windy.
Around a hundred seabirds stood around the emptier than usual car par.
They all faced the wind as if hypnotised.
 The beach wasn't as windy as it was sheltered by the dunes from the south westerly wind.
The beach dips towards the sea which also helps. 

The Village looked pretty.
The houses on the left are some of those that surround the Village Green.

They headed South.
The beach was almost deserted.
 As they walked Beach Buoy was watching Gannets drop from the Sky.

The found a bum shaped rock and sat and watched The Gannet Show.

It was all too much for Stubborn Dog.

It was a lovely peaceful spot.

Not a great photo but there was around a dozen Gannets totally blitzing the sea.
You can see one of the entrance splashes. Sometimes they were hitting the water three at a time!

They had a slow walk back to the van.
The kettle was soon boiling.
Beach Buoy nodded a while.
The van rocked in the wind .
The wind that whistled through the side door that had been left ajar whilst the kettle boiled.
Beach Buoy could just unfold the bed and sleep for England.

Church Bells chimed for 9 pm
just as the rain started to fall on the van roof.
Time to go.
Really it should be time to stay.

Oh that rain on the roof ❤️.