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Friday 7 August 2020


It was Friday; a work day.
Beach Buoy had woke at 4 am.
It was one of those mornings that you just know that you are not going back to sleep.
4-20 am Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog were walking around the block.
It was light.
A Hedgehog stopped in his tracks when it spotted Beach  Buoy.
It was already quite light as a Bat flew around the Streets.

Beach Buoy went to work.
It was hot; very hot.

They went to the beach later than they normally would have done.
They had arrived at 8-45 pm
It was still quite busy and still very warm.
They headed to the water's edge.
Families were still venturing onto the beach.  

A later than usual beach walk had rewarded them with different light than what had been regarded as the norm

The light was beginning to fade.

Bon Voyage Driftwood Stubborn Dog !
Travel Far, Travel Safely. 

They did beach 'Stuff then headed back to the van.

Beer o'clock.
Non-Alcholic Beer.

Beach Buoy was just about to leave.
"Do you have a tyre wrench mate?
I have a flat tyre.'

Beach Buoy drove over to help.
It was dark.
The man had two ladies for company as well as four or five small children.
It was hard to tell exactly how many as it was dark and kids being kids were running around.

They  faffed and faffed and faffed...

By 10-40 pm Beach Buoy was back in the van.....
and the family were on the way home to Bishop Aukland.
They offered him £10 pounds for helping.
No Thank you...