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Thursday 6 February 2020


Beach Buoy and his mate; Stubborn Dog arrived at 3-36 pm.
It was bright with the slightest of fresh breezes from the south.

They headed south as the other beach visitors all seemed to decide as one, to head north and leave the beach.
Lady with Handbag.

Man with Border Collie.

Couple with three dogs that 
"Just want a sniff, they won't bite."

Old couple with walking sticks and memories.

Four youths with Hoodies.

Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog walked to the Grey Rocks and slightly beyond before heading up to the dunes.

The sea was relatively calm, breaking only one or two waves out.
It had the look of a large piece of creased silk.
An early moon hung over the bay like a faded paint spot form a long gone colour scheme.
It would become more noticeable as its backdrop darkened.

After a bit of thought it was time to head
 back to the North.

Beach Buoy.