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Thursday 20 February 2020

20th of FEB 2020. SEATON SANDS ... THE BEACH

Beach Buoy and old Stubborn Dog arrived in the newly extended car park at 3-40pm.
The new part of the car park is now open.
The Bin Wagons that were lined up, shuffled back to the depot around 3-45pm.
It was very bright and very breezy.

They headed to the water's edge.
They looked to the North.....

... then headed South.
They did the dune thing.

The strength of the wind seemed to increase.
Beach Buoy carried his little mate when the drifting sand became a problem.
They headed back to the van.
Beach Buoy had been hearing really unusual bird song recently.
It sounded as if it was coming from over near the golf club?
It seemed to making a range of calls that Beach Buoy didn't recognise.
It was too early for the skylarks and the calls are different.
Is there some exotic bird in the area?