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Sunday 2 February 2020


It was 8-03 a.m.
The local Motor Club were setting up in the Car Park for an Auto-test.
Beach Buoy sat with the side door of the van open as he changed into his beach boots. As he did so, around  thirty or more Oyster Catchers flew in a westerly direction from the beach.
He headed for the beach with Stubborn Dog in tow as another twenty or so Oyster Catchers played follow the leader. 
Much of the beach was stoney as the softer sand had blown out to the Sea in the recent strong winds.

They headed a long the beach, heading South.
On their left was a Grey Sea, which was breaking three or four waves out.
To their right, a Border Collie with what looked like a burst football in its mouth. The Dog's owner was nearby.
Their paths crossed more closely later with a ' Ended up a canny morning.' thrown in..

Up near the dunes, some artwork had been taking place.

They headed up to the Dunes with some stones for the stack.

They then had a sit and think on the large driftwood piece to the right.
P.C. Crow pounded the beat down near the water's edge.

It was going to be the most relaxing part of the day.

A slow walk back.
As the walk ended a lady in a white coat, with two white dogs for company. She ate a Banana as she strode down the access ramp.

Preparations for the Auto-test continued.

Beach Buoy is biased, but he does love the shape of the
VW T4.
This one was parked nearby.

They headed off for a Hot Coffee followed by a hot bath.
Beach Buoy listened to Radio Cornwall as he soaked in the bath.
He pleased to hear the Presenter say that Beach Buoy was listening from the North East of England.

Later it was off to Billingham.....

and even later still ...
It was back to the promenade.