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Tuesday 25 February 2020

SEATON SANDS 25 02 20.

Car Park time.
It was around 40 minutes to high tide.
Beach Buoy had Stubborn Dog in tow.
Yes; IN TOW!

The Sea would try to catch them out as they walked.

It wouldn't be long and the sea would almost be up to the Dunes.

There were some large waves.
Mount Fuji floated past.

They headed up to the Dune Stack.
20 to 30 Oyster Catchers Peep-peeped as they took flight and headed for the river.
4 more followed closely behind.
Peep-peeping ' Wait!'

To the south, waves licked the North Gare Pier.

They headed down to the high tide.
It was a short walk.

Birds of a feather......

Later that night it was dance lesson taxi duty.
Instead of dashing around back and forth, it was coffee with @jowhiley on the radio.
Beach Buoy even had a name mention on the show in the taxi spot this evening.

'I know that you are listening Beach Buoy.'

Today also marked the day that Beach Buoy reached