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Saturday 17 February 2024


 Beach Buoy woke at 4-04 a.m.

The kettle was on by 4-24.

Beach Buoy let Another Dog into the garden.

He noticed that the birds were already singing.

Sunrise was three hours away.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog set off on foot at 6-10.

They passed the Clock Tower
 at 6-30.
The shadows of the hands on the illuminated face made it look like it was showing midnight.

They headed towards the lifeguard station.

6-34, they crossed over the Esplanade as six illuminated joggers headed north.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed down another access ramp.
Beach Buoy turned on his new fancy torch with a cartoon-like spread of light. 

Another Dog wasn't impressed.

They headed down the ramp to the theme tune of Scooby Doo, looking for clues.
In reality it was treasure they were looking for "...and they'd have gotten away with it too." If it hadn't been for those Pesky Metal Detectorists.
In the distance, they could see the lights of the 7 a.m. club, heading back North.
Their paths hadn't crossed for a good while.
Beach Buoy's beach visits come and go with the light.
Others stick to their set times no matter what.
More and more familiar faces will start showing up as it becomes lighter, earlier.

They headed towards the sea, crossing sand and seacoal.
The tide was well out. 
Beach Buoy glanced to The Esplanade.
Two Cyclists had just reached the southern-most end.
They turned, paused, then headed back to the north.
There was next to no one on the beach.
Beach Buoy took off his blog head off for a while.
He chose to walk, just looking at the sea...

Back in blog land, two hoods were down.
The sea looked like a winter sea on a mild day.

They headed south.
Orange lights flashed on The Esplanade as council workers worked away.
Every now and then would light and point his torch as if looking for something.
As he did so, he noticed the tiniest of water droplets handing in the air.
The half-light was hiding a slight mistake.

Beach Buoy continued south at the place he feels like the real him.

The sky was full of different shades of grey.
As if an artist had tried swirls of every shade of pencil from 9H to 9XXB.

Vocal Gulls had taken to the sky.
Around thirty crows picked at the strand-line.
The lady who walks the beach, headed south, hugging the sea as she progressed.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to Stubborn Dog Stack via the dunes.

More dune edge had collapsed.
The dunes ended sharply with a drop to the beach.
No sandy slopes until the sea, it's tides and the wind decide.

The cut through the dunes via the "easier" route to Stubborn Dog Stack.

By now it was 7-29.
"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted

The Artist with the grey pencils reached for pink and peach.

The Sun broke through as Beach Buoy drank coffee and a level driftwood log with a bit a roll.
It's odd.
Beach Buoy spends so long looking for daylight and it's Sun.
It came.
He closed his eyes as he faced it, somehow appreciating it more for doing so.

He opened his eyes.
A small black fly flew by 
It was mild.

For a few minutes, the sea alongside North Gare Pier glowed like liquid gold.

A Lone Oyster Catcher whistles as it crossed the bay from south to north.

Muzzled Dog appeared.
It's owners appeared.
Their Border Collie appeared.
The man who once had four dogs but now had three appeared.
Those three dogs appeared.
It was a busy scene up at Stubborn Dog Stack.
They all chatted.

Then Beach Buoy and Another Dog were alone with Stubborn Dog.
Beach Buoy took deep breaths, enjoying the sea air as the wind turbine service boat headed out.

Beach Buoy stood, checking the scene to the north before setting off.
"See you mate."

They began to head back through the dunes.

On the beach, Beach Buoy found what he thought was a Seal's tooth?

The shifting sands had left a long lost milk churn exposed.

Full Sun came.
Mr.Gunn/Lunn and his excellent little dog passed by.
They chatted.
They went their separate ways.

Team Mick Aston Jumper led the way back.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog dawdled along behind.

No rush.

No drama.