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Sunday 4 February 2024



Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached The Esplanade at 7-30 a.m.
Two ladies sat under an overcast sky, drinking coffee on a wooden bench.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed down the northerly  beach access ramp.

Four men walked The Esplanade, side by side.
One of the men was giving out "Morning."s like they were going out of fashion.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south.

The tide was about 50/50.
Both in and out.

There was a slight breeze from the west.
Beach Buoy stuffed his hands into pockets.

Beach Buoy glanced back north to see how busy the beach was becoming.

Two Horses headed to the water's edge.

A lady, a regular, did her fixed route walk.

A lady with a Dachshund, dashed by.

Another lady dressed in pink stood on top of the highest dune edge with two dogs.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached Stubborn Dog Stack.
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
It was 8-22.
"Morning Mate."
He sat on the sloping driftwood log with a bit of a roll.
The log had a roll... Not Beach Buoy.
He drank coffee.
It was hot, strong and very welcome, he had been up since 3-15.

Beach Buoy watched.
A Gull air surfed just above a breaking wave as it flew northwards.
A Parcel of Oyster Catchers whistled as they crossed the bay.
Another Gull air surfed above another breaking wave 
Two hoods were up, it was a bit blowy up on the dune heights.

Beach Buoy managed to find a route back to the beach via the dunes.

The highest of the dune heights.
The lady in pink and her dogs had gone.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog ambled back.
Up ahead a small Black Spaniel must have ran four beaches in one as it ran to and from, chasing every crow in sight.

Back to the van.
Six plastic bottles into the Esplanade Recycling.
