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Sunday 6 November 2022


Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach car park at 6-43a.m.

Two cars were already parked up... Hugo was on the beach.

They headed for the sea.

The tide was well out.

A chilled breeze blew from the south west.

A man turned. Back to the north, having only done a half beach walk.

It was fresh.

Beach Buoy made use of built-in gloves.. pockets.

Out to the south The Sea Serpent twisted on a silvery sea.

To the north, the couple with a muzzled dog began to head south.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog walked the strand-line.

There was enough light to allow a shingle search. 

Beach Buoy obliged. 

From the distant water's edge, Mari the big friendly poodle trotted over to see Beach Buoy and Another Dog.

Mari was wearing an illuminated purple jewel.

It suited her perfectly.

The big dog leaned in for a neck scratch and shoulder rub.

Mari disappeared as quickly as she had arrived.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed for the dunes.

Destination:- Stubborn Dog Stack.

As they walked towards Stubborn Dog Stack, the muzzled dog couple headed to North Gare Pier via the beach.

"Morning Mate."

Beach Buoy added some stones.

He patted 



Coffee time.

Beach Buoy and the Wind Turbines all faced Roseberry Topping.

His gaze returned to the vast beach below.

He sipped Coffee as the Beachcombing Border Collie Couple turned as they do at the grey rocks to return to the north.

The big grey dog with a multicoloured dickie bow appeared.

Beach Buoy didn't pick Another Dog up.

The big dog.was friendly enough.

The dog ran back down to the water's edge to catch up with his owner.

Hugo appeared from the south end of the dunes.

Hugo chased and chased the big dog.

It was all good natured. 

"See you mate."

Beach Buoy and Another Dog went back to the beach.

They continued to head south.


It was the Distant Wave Lady.

She and her group were sat on a driftwood bench with a small and dune safe bonfire.

"Was Ruby scared of the fireworks?"

"No she's fine.

It turned out the Hugo was not a lover of them.

"Wasn't the Sunrise lovely yesterday?"


The Sun rose above North Gare Pier.

Not as stunning as yesterday, but still a wonderful start to the day. 

Beach Buoy and Another Dog walked down to the sea.

Beach Buoy drank coffee as a  curious seal watched on from the safety of the water. 

Beach Buoy had pulled two hoods up; one man tent mode.

The Multicoloured Dickie Bow dog reappeared, it just wanted someone to chase it.

The owner appeared.

The had a nice chat.

The dog was a rescue dog, the man's first dog.

" I just hope he doesn't get any bigger!,"

The dog was only one year old.

The man and his dog headed off north.

Beach Buoy savoured the morning, the beach's characters and the last of the coffee.

They began a slow walk back.

Towards the north end of the beach, a man stood with a tangle of light rope.

Alongside him, his Kite Buggy.

"Ok to take a picture?"

"Help yourself."

They chatted a while .

The explain that he normally kite surfed but had broken his leg with other damage too.

His leg was still strapped up.

He needed an adrenaline rush and had figured that the buggy was a safer option for now.  

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed back to the van.

At the car park, a man asked if you needed to pay for parking on a Sunday...

He was given the full story.