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Saturday 26 November 2022


Beach Buoy had crawled into bed at 11 p.m.

By 3-45 a.m. he was awake.

By 4, he was up.

At 4-40 he was sat, drawing, as he drank a hot chocolate.

Fast forward to 6-50 a.m.

In reality fast forward may not be the best term to use.

Dark mornings, that wait for daylight, can drag as much as long winter nights.

Even at 6-47 a.m. , it was as dark as night.

Beach Buoy stepped out of the van as two joggers turned in a tight semi circle at the top of the beach access ramp.

As their direction changed from south to north, one of the joggers said

"Good pace that. Two and a half K in eleven minutes."

The two men disappeared into the darkness of the promenade.

Torch in hand, Beach Buoy and Another Dog  went down the beach access ramp onto the sands 
Silhouettes headed north on a distant and dark water's edge.
Car headlights twinkled along the seafront as Gulls cried overhead as they headed inland. 

They headed south 
The tide was more in than it was out.
Beach Buoy stuffed his hands deep into his pockets as he took deep deep breaths of fresh sea air.
Beach Buoy clipped a torch to his beach bag.
It was a blue metallic torch that matched the van's curtains.
The torch swung around as they walked, writing scribbles of light along the beach. 
Even in the darkness, the Blast Furnace was noticeable by its absence. 

Around 200mm of sand had been taken by the sea.

The sea's action had created a natural step, leading to the sandy slope. 
Beach Buoy gathered some of the newly exposed beach stones.

"Morning Mate." 
Beach Buoy added the stones.
He patted
It was 7-30 a.m.
A man marched South along the water's edge.
He did an about turn opposite Stubborn Dog Stack.
He marched backed north.

Beach Buoy drank coffee from his thermal mug.
It tasted good.
Sometimes it just hits the button.

"See you mate."
They left the stack behind.
A head appeared.
The big friendly dog had Snook up on them.
Beach Buoy gave the big dog the best of neck scratches and shoulder rubs.

Beach Buoy glanced north.
Others were on the way. 

Beach Buoy and Another Dog with Hugo along for the ride, headed down to the beach. 
The distant wave lady and her companions were about to step up to the dunes as the headed for coffee at their driftwood bench. 
The group chatted awhile.
A friendly Pug came to say hello.

They all went their separate ways with goodbyes drifting out towards the headland.

The sun glowed dimly. 
The dog with a Multicoloured bow came bounding over.
It was as big as a dustbin and as daft as a brush.

The big dog's owner came along.
They chatted about dogs, beaches and early starts.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog continued north 
A man walked the strand-line with two stocky dogs. 

Beach Buoy drank the last of the coffee as the walk progressed. 

The tide had gone out as far as The Seaton Carew Wreck.

A man paced around, taking beach photographs as he walked.

A dog trotted up, dropping a ball at Beach Buoy's feet.
Inviting Beach Buoy to boot the ball along the flat wet sand. 
Beach Buoy obliged. 

Beach Buoy gave the south a last look for the day. 
The demolition heap looked a sad sight.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog wandered into the Village. 

Beach Buoy took a photograph for a drawing later.
They headed back to the van. 

 Back at base camp someone went digging in the garden with their nose.
It wasn't Beach Buoy.