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Monday 5 October 2020


Beach Buoy and  Stubborn Dog went to the beach.
It was 4-48 pm.

Beach Buoy recalled this morning's drive to work in the dark.
He had the local radio on, then he heard those words
'and sunset today is at 6-30............'
He was determined to go go the beach as early as possible after work..

The sunshine was boiling.
To the south it looked cloudy but bright.
To the north the clouds were dark.

A figure stood up in the dunes, possibly admiring the various type and shade of cloud ?

It was raining out in the bay.
It was heading inland.
Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog must have been on the very edge of it?
A few small droplets of rain fell on them .
It was over in moments.

The large driftwood pieces becoming more and more fish-like as the days pass.

They stacked the stack.
Their sunshine shadows practised being ghosts.

As they left the dunes, to returned down to the beach, Beach Buoy noticed that the dark clouds were now down at the south end of the beach.

They headed back, near to the water's edge.
A man with a flat cap and four kids headed south.

Hints of a rainbow came and went, out on the horizon.
It couldn't make its mind up, like some sort of multi-coloured lighthouse.

It was a slow walk back
The village looked lovely.