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Friday 30 October 2020


Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog left the house at 3-58 pm.
The air was still and mild.
As they walked down Elizabeth Way, they could see the Wind Turbines, out in the Bay, beyond the sand dunes.
The large white blades turned slowly.
There must have been a breeze in the exposed Bay? 
It was 4-11pm when they reached the beach.
The smell of chips wafted around.
The sea was smooth, sort of metallic blue in colour, with a hint of pink.
A paint company would most probably call it Titanium Blush.

It was so mild.
The movement of the water  was made by the moon, not by some angry storms.
It moved from A to B via Sea.
Beach Buoy picked up a piece of sea pottery thanks to force of habit.
The pottery was plain white; no design.
Beach Buoy skimmed it out to sea.
Five skips.....

The Sea Serpent relaxed in the calm Bay.

The tide was slowly working its way out.

They stacked the stack.
They had a slow walk back.
It felt like about 9-45pm on a summer night as the light faded; its was 5-05.
Beach Buoy picked up the same piece of sea pottery that he had earlier skimmed out to sea.
A receding tide had left it behind.
He tried again, only four skips this time.

By the time they arrived back at base camp, the only light in the sky was a Cream Moon peeking out from behind a dark cloud in a darker sky.