They reached the beach before sunrise.
The still-to-rise sun, kissed the clouds over the headland and seafront.
The clouds blushed pink.
There was the slightest of breezes.
It was a pleasant one.
The sea seemed to be in complete contrast, roaring as it was, up to eight steps out.
They headed south as the sun headed upwards.
It was a glorious morning.
An arm of cloud reached across the sky and tried to grab the sun.
They headed up and stacked the stack.
What with the van being left behind, Beach Buoy still remembered to bring hot coffee and biscuits of course.
If he has the chance, one day Beach Buoy will build a solid, driftwood bench up at the stack should anyone which to sit a while.
He sat on the dune edge and drank the coffee.
He watched the sea and sky.
Stubborn Dog laid in the dune sand and sniffed the air.
They headed for North Gare Beach through the dunes.
It felt like a summer morning had decided to show up late.
A driftwood and stone shelter.
North Gare Beach.
aka The Blue Lagoon.
Hartlepool Bay looked magnificent as the waves rolled in.
The North Gare Pier.