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Friday 16 October 2020


They had left the house on foot at around 4-50 pm.

It was a sunny afternoon.
The Bus Station Clock Tower was bathed in glorious sunlight.
The tide had not long turned from high.
A Ginger lady walked a Ginger dog across the car park.

Stubborn Dog took the chance to rest as Beach took blog photographs. 
He wouldn't be going on strike tonight after missing a beach on Thursday.

The Sun was already low in the sky.
Their shadows walked the waves.
The sea was busy but only breaking about three or four steps out into the bay.
The fact that it was high tide seemed to add to the hubbub.

Taking Flight.

Foot high cliffs.

They stood at the stack and looked West...

Then East.....

Then South....

and finally to the North.

A stitch in time.

Gulls seemed to take turns drifting out from the dunes.

The sun set.
they left......