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Wednesday 22 May 2019


It was the last morning.
The weather summed up the mood perfectly.
Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog crossed the bouncy and now wet bridge to the beach.
Beach Buoy stood looking out to sea.
He had finally figured out north and south...
The Isle of Man looked faint and almost ready to leave.
A bright red fishing boat crossed the bay from 
right to left
aka north to south.

Down on the beach a lady threw a ball in the sea for her dog to retrieve.
To be honest it looked more than a little too far.
The dog must have carried out an on-site risk 
assessment and headed back without the ball.
The owner encouraged it to go further than the dog was comfortable with.
The dog was willing to please as we all are at times and went that "Extra mile."
The lady cheered as the dog approached the 
beach; ball in mouth.
She held her arms aloft as though they had won the World Cup.
Raindrops began to fall more 
heavily on Beach Buoy's hood.
There would be no open top bus parade today!
On the beach worm casts  spiralled upwards; they would soon be flattened by the in-coming tide.
Random dog walkers walked their dogs.
Up behind the promenade, lights in the long narrow beach side tearooms twinkled in the rainy grey morning.
Beach Buoy looked back to see the FA Cup
 winners leave the beach 
with trophy in hand... and ball still in mouth.

Buoy watched as four waterproofed hikers
went to the water's edge.
They were attempting to touch their boots in the water, but not get their boots wet.
Were they beginning or ending their journey?
The wet boot squad dripped their way to the lifeboat station.
He watched as they tried to take a decent group photograph by means of a timer set on one of the groups mobile phones; it wasn't working..."Excuse me. would you like me to take a group photograph for you?" asked Beach Buoy. 
The group were very grateful for the offer.
Beach Buoy chatted after taking a couple of photographs for the hikers.

They were off to Robin Hoods Bay.
Beach Buoys roots are there; his family tree roots.

The old Church's graveyard is full of them.
They said their farewells and wishes of good luck.
Beach Buoy noticed two cyclists wetting their bike tyres in the Irish Sea; a start or finish?

They took turns taking each others photographs.
Beach Buoy was just about to offer the same group photograph option to the pair when one of the four hikers broke free and did so...
passing on the favour.

Beach Buoy sorted the van,
sorted himself and left.
It had been special.
Beach Buoy had been Beach Buoy

first time in a long time.
He hoped beyond hope that he would 
get the chance to Beach Buoy again
and again
and again.....