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Saturday 11 May 2019


Beach Buoy woke at 5-30am.
He made a coffee and generally faffed on a bit, before finally reaching the beach car park at 6-14am.

The car park was empty.
On the way there they had past dandelions on the large triangular traffic island
  gone to seed; lit up by a combination of early sun and dew. They looked like tiny street lights that someone had forgotten to turn off.
 Beach Buoy parked in the north east corner of the car park as a Baker's delivery van arrived. Presumably he was too early and was just passing the time with a sea view?

Beach Buoy and Stubborn dog headed for the water's edge on an empty but glorious beach.
Not long afterwards, short short man appeared and headed south, whilst two collie man showed up (Minus Mrs Two collie.) and chose to walk north.

It was now 6-40 am.
The sun was warm.
The tide was slowly coming inwards.

There wasn't a breath of wind.
See how the smoke from the stack is going straight up and not being blown across the north sea to europe.
The clouds that GOD made hung in the air too.

It was so calm.....

It was so peaceful.

Beach Buoy admired the patterns in the clouds...

and the patterns on the beach.

Beach Buoy stopped and faced the sea.
He rubbed in face with both hands as if he were bathing in the morning glow... he was.

Some of this morning's finds... being left behind,

Beach bunting...

At the grey rocks the smoke from the stack, was still gang up.

Beach buoy sat down...

As did Stubborn Dog.
They sat and listened to the sea and the skylark  that hovered over the dunes; whistling like a happy builder.
The 7am club approached .
Beach Buoy stood up as his mate, the large poodle was on its way.
It bounded about and said hello.
It brought along a friend.
A black and white whippet type thingy.
It barked but was friendly 

Beach Buoy moved up to a more comfortable seat up on the dune edge and relaxed ... there was no rush.

Stubborn Dog fell asleep... there was no rush!

They had a look up in the dunes.
Beach Buoy managed to catch site of the skylark as its song faded and it fell like a stone  to its nest?

They headed north on the dune edge.. as did the first Sand Martin of the year...

Driftwood to di for.....

Sadly a DRIVE-THRO' mentality can lead to a DRIVE AWAY , mentality?

Beach Buoy  beach clean item.

and another.
Fisherman use these as float/pot / net makers but they always seem to snap where the handle is situated, as the rope wears 
through and launch the item out to sea.