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Sunday, 12 May 2019


Beach Buoy was up at 5-40 am .
The dandelion street lamps from yesterday had gone;
the grass and all that goes with it had been cut.
They arrived into a sunny car park at 6-11am.
A taxi was parked in the far corner. 
Perhaps he had just dropped the sun off?
By 6-16am beach boots were on, as the taxi drove away.
Beach Buoy wondered if the sun was a good tipper?

They walked to the water's edge, beyond the well trodden beach, an area of shingle followed by smooth flat sand.
The tide was out.
They turned south at the waters edge.

It was a superb morning.
A  red figure appeared in the distance, up near the grey rock;
walking north.

Seven Oyster Catchers warmed their blood and bones in the morning sun.
Beach Buoy moved up to the strand line so as not to disturb them.
In few moments the red  figure had done just that!
Did the red coat signify OYSTER CATCHER POLICE?
"Move along now, nothing to see here."

Short short man was on the way.
Beach Buoy was keen to see if the Sand Martins were building their burrows. He went beyond the grey rocks.
The sandy beach access route was closing, due to the incoming tide. A little bit of clambering would be and was  involved.
Part of the grey rocks had a blanket of brown seaweed deposited upon it; drying in the morning sun.
The aroma took him back, as it always does to 
Douglas Beach in the Isle of Man.
A holiday of memories from the mid 1970's
He took deep breaths.
A tear came to his eyes.
It was such along time ago.
Random thoughts..
Going to the newsagents early morning to get his mother  a Daily Mirror to read at the cafe, before the hotel breakfast was available.
The girl from Cargo Fleet he fell for.
Mountains, Glens and picnic at Calf Sound.
Meanwhile back at the North Sea...
Beach Buoy's tears became a face wide smile. as around half-a-dozen Sand Martins swooped around the world  Two tank traps.
Like daytime bats they swopped and turned. 

Today's sea glass ... left for others.

They headed back.
The  7am club passed and Mari the poodle came over for her chat and scratch.

Time to go...