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Sunday 3 September 2023


 Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach for an evening walk at 6-58.

Beach Buoy had spent the afternoon listening to The Cure, drawing and drinking non-alcoholic wine. 

The Car Park was packed.

A family discussed how many Wind Turbines were out in the bay; 27.

The Village Church Bells rang for 7 p.m. before Beach Buoy and Another Dog had reached the water's edge.

The tide was well in.
Beach Buoy had to be careful  taking photographs as quite a few people where using bath towel changing rooms.

They headed south along the water's edge.
A couple with with a dog were taking a selfie with a Bay background but no Dog in shot.
Beach Buoy asked if they would like him to take a photograph with the dog in shot for them.
They declined but we're thankful for the offer.

7-23 p.m.
"Evening Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
Beach Buoy drank a wobbly driftwood plank coffee.
He made notes in his beach book.

A small fly landed on a page, doing the lost full-stop walk. 

The Sun was lovely but would be setting soon.
There was a pleasant breeze.

Another Dog laid nearby, listening to a distant dog bark.

Wobbly Coffee view.

The Sun was setting.
Soon be time to go.
The man who walks for miles walked by on the beach below with a dog for company.

"See you mate."
They headed back to the beach then north.

A group of three led the way back.

The sun-setting sky was gorgeous.

The sea mirrored the sky.
Rafting birds sounded closer than they actually were.

Four horses arrived at dusk. 

People wandered into the sea.

Beach Buoy drank coffee in the van.

He watched the evening go dark.

The Wind Turbine lights twinkled in the distance.

People sat by dune edge fires.

It felt like the start of summer, not the end.