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Saturday 2 September 2023



Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach at 5-56 a.m.

The car park was empty. 

It was good to see the clock tower illuminated and the clock actually showing the correct time.

The tide was well in.
It has peaked at 5-33.
There was a very slight breeze from the north.
It was overcast but mild.
An Orange Hoodie today.
The coat stayed in the van. 

Angled rain fell out in the bay near the wind turbines.
People arrived to the north; The 7 a m. Club.

There was already someone to the south; The man with a rucksack and a Rotwieller. 

Beach Buoy chatted to the rucksack and Rotwieller man. 
Two barefoot ladies headed north.
The 7 a m. Club overtook Beach Buoy and Another Dog.
Mari the poodle came for a neck scratch.
The 7 a.m. club mentioned going to a local quiz 
One question was how many Wind turbines in the bay?
Beach Buoy took a guess.
"Thirty six ?"
"No, three lots of nine, so twenty seven."

They went their separate ways.

The Sun rose. 

As sometimes happens, no sooner had it left the horizon it slipped into the clouds.



The south was theirs.

The north was clear too. 

"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
It was 6-41 a.m.
Beach Buoy drank a wobbly coffee on a wobbly driftwood bench.
He watched diving birds and pieces of floating driftwood pretend to be diving birds.
A Seal popped up.

"See you mate."
Beach Buoy and Another Dog returned to the beach.

Another slow walk back.


There had been lots of large pieces of driftwood recently.

Maybe it was just that type of sea?
Maybe there had been a blockage up river?

Diving Birds popped up every now and then.
Hugo the big friendly rescue dog ran from the south. 

They continued their slow walk back.

Alfie, Archie and the Little Black Pup arrived on the beach with their owners 
They were becoming a splinter group of Team Mick Aston Jumper.

Back in the van the kettle went on as Rita the Meter Maid did her rounds.

Beach Buoy tried to make sense of he walking scribbles as Joggers travelled north to south then south to north.

