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Saturday 30 September 2023



Beach Buoy and Another Dog left the house at Subaru o'clock;
The arrived in the dark car park at exactly
 6 a.m.
The hands of the illuminated clock tower looked to be on tiptoes.
That's if hands can go on tiptoes at all?

Another Dog loves the beach.
She just hates preparing for the beach.
She was curled up tightly.

Beach Buoy faffed on putting on Another Dog's coat.
It was then that he realised that he had left the thermal mug of coffee on the kitchen worktop.

It was dark but mild.
A Large Moon looked tiny in the vast dark sky.
It was morning but felt like night. 

Beach Buoy rested on the Promenade wall, looking out sea.

An overnight H.G.V. driver started his engine.

Out on the water's edge, the unmistakable silouette of the 7a.m. club headed south.
Two illuminated dog collars flashed brightly alongside. 

Beach Buoy and Another Dog walked to the sea.
The tide was more in than it was out.

The 7 a m. Club returned North.
Their paths and footprints in the sand crossed.
Beach Buoy made a fuss of Mari, the big friendly poodle as they chatted.

Crows waited patiently nearby.
They follow the 7 a m. Club on the walk.
Cat treats are usually on offer. 

The Moon was as bright as could be.
They continued southwards.
Beach Buoy realised that most probably that today's sunrise time would begin with a seven.
He googled to check.
"In Hartlepool today the sunrise 
at 7-05 a.m."
It was only 6-18.
Beach Buoy was wearing an Orange Hoodie underneath his Orange coat.
Both hoods were down. 

Daylight edged its way in slowly.
Beach Buoy could see that the sea was calm.

Sand became Seacoal.

Out in the Bay, high in the sky, a lone Star shone brightly.
Beach Buoy is no expert.
It may have been a planet?
Or maybe it was Texas?

The Sea Serpent broke the surface, keen to see just what the bay and day had to offer.

6-48 a.m.
"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 
He was more annoyed at himself than maybe he should have been.
The coffee was still in the kitchen.
 It would have been lovely to sit the quarter of an hour until sunrise.
The wobbly driftwood plank went unwobbled this morning.
Beach Buoy stood looking over the pale-coloured bay.
A little earlier than he would have done it was time for 
"See you mate."
They returned to the beach.
Upon reaching the bottom of The Sandy Slope, they surprised an elderly gent.
"Oh. Just having my morning pee."

Beach Buoy and Another walked near the strand-line.

Sandy flames roar on a seacoal fire.

A large flock of Gulls flew towards the Sea Serpent Marker.
A Jogger ran alongside the sea, giving himself words of encouragement.
The sunrise went unseen.


Paddle boarders headed for the water.
Or maybe it was 

As they approached the beach access ramp, it became busy..
Team Muzzled Dog waved as they headed south.
The Beachcombing Border Collie Couple chatted as they did the same.
The "Morning Pee." man returned north.

The Sun decided to show up as they headed to the van.

Beach Buoy made a milky coffee under a milky sky.
To the south of the car park, a man stole the dunes one bag at a time.

Another Dog nodded off.
Beach Buoy drank coffee... eventually.