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Monday 16 January 2023


It was a Monday.
It was a random day's holiday.
Beach Buoy had been awake ages.
He eventually went down at 5-08 a.m.
Sleep hadn't come easy. 
It had looked like it was going to be an
"Up all night job."
Beach Buoy made a coffee. 
He began a new drawing.
He drawings are very basic but he has found them as a good outlet for daft ideas and exorcising some cares and woes.
As he drew he listened to the outside world for clues as to what weather was around. 
Wind ?
It was 7-33 when Beach Buoy and Another Dog arrived at the beach car park in the van.
It was dark.
The weather had changed.
An lcy wind blew from the north.
Bullet raindrops shot by horizontally.
Another wasn't keen.
Beach Buoy drank his "beach." coffee in the van. 
They drove off.
They would be back later.

1-57 p.m. to be precise.
Or 6-32 a.m. or p.m. by out-of-sync Bus Station Clock Tower to be imprecise. 

The Village Church Bells rang out for 2 p.m.
as they stepped down onto the beach, just north of the beach access ramp.
It was bright.
The tide was swirling around the Seaton Carew Wreck.

The Seaton Carew Wreck.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog watched the blue waves travel up and down the length of the wreck. 
A large dog played in the sea a couple of hundred metres to the south as it owner watch on from the water's edge.
The large dog ran at Beach Buoy and Another Dog with such force, that when it made contact with their lead it sent Another Dog flying. 
It ripped her coat and harness from her back. 
The little dog ended up spinning on the sand upon landing.
Beach Buoy ran to his little mate to ensure she was ok.
She was shaken, but looked to be ok.
Beach Buoy reattached Another Dog's cost and harness.
The large dog and an ignorant owner were last seen marching towards the car park.
No sorry.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south by the sea.
They were both a little too stressed to fully enjoy the remainder of their walk.
They headed to Stubborn Dog.

Here are some recent and not so recent stones at the stack by others.


Beach Buoy added some less colourful stones.
It was 2-44 p.m.
"Afternoon Mate."
He patted 
Below the dunes, a couple walked as far south as the Grey Rocks,

Beach Buoy and Another one
Headed back to the beach.
"See you mate."

They walked back next to the sea.

A morning beach couple with a muzzled dog, like Beach Buoy walked an afternoon beach.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog continued north.
The Sun seemed to be following them as it bounced along the dune heights.
It looked like a ball following the lyrics of of song.

A song of the sea..