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Tuesday 10 January 2023


Beach Buoy and Another Dog set off on foot and paw at 3-48 p.m.

A mild but not wild wind blew from the south west.

They crossed the beach car park as the village church bells rang out for 4 p.m.

The Bus Station Clock Tower showed 8-36.

They stepped down onto the beach.

The tide was more in than it was out.

Out in the bay the sea was blue with a hint of grey, above the sky was grey with a hint of blue.

Four Crows picked at the strand-line.

A couple walked north with the sea riding shotgun.

They were dressed as dark as seacoal. 

Up on the dune edge the lady with a white dog and a black dog crossed towards the car park. 

There was a man and a dog, southwards 

The Dog came running over.

It too looked like it was made from seacoal.

The large, friendly  but cautious dog was a Spanish Water Dog.

Black with a tiny white bib.

What a gorgeous dog .

Beach Buoy stroked the dog's mass of black curly hair.

The dog had black eyes too.

The owner came over explaining that the dog was just six months old.

"What's it's name."


"There was someone on the beach a while back with a white dog called Jet." said Beach Buoy.

"Maybe l should have called him Snowy?"

"He's so dark l can't find him in the house sometimes."



A Parcel of Oyster Catchers stood at the water's edge.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to the dune edge.

He didn't want to disturb the resting birds.

They wandered along to Stubborn Dog Stack. 

 4-31 p m.
"Afternoon Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 
No coffee stop this afternoon.
"See you mate."
They went back to the beach.
They began to head North.
A couple were up ahead they had only done a half beach walk. 

Beach Buoy and Another Dog climbed up the beach access ramp.
Beach Buoy did the work/life balance walk.
No one was around.

As they reached The Promenade, an Oyster Catcher fittingly blew for full time.