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Wednesday 28 December 2022


Beach Buoy had been up since 1-25 a.m.

He drank coffee and drew some drawings.

He and Another Dog walked to the beach.

They had set off at 7-16 a.m.

It had rained overnight.

Damp fallen Autumn leaves were damper.

An illuminated bus drove by. 

Heavy in light but light in passengers.

The number one to High Tunstall.

There was just one passenger on too.

They crossed a dark, empty car park.

Empty except for a multitude of rain water puddles, laid on the uneven surface.

They walked a short walk to the water's edge; the tide was high.
It felt quite mild.
There was a wind from the south west.

The was a man a dog up ahead.

They wandered off between the grey rocks  and the dune edge, towards the river.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog followed on a short while.

They stopped to watch the breaking waves.

Another man and dog arrived at the heights of the dune edge.

They too watch the sea like a couple of lookouts.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog went up to Stubborn Dog Stack.

"Morning Mate."

It was 8-18 a.m.

Beach Buoy added some stones.

He patted



He sipped coffee as he wave watched once more. 

"See you mate."

Back to the beach.

As they were about to leave a Beach Buoy decoy headed south with his Spaniel.

A ship entered The River Tees under a dramatic sky.

They began a slow walk back on a narrow beach.

Three generations of distant wave ladies went by.

"Morning" not distant wave today.

Hugo brought his Pug mate Lola for a neck scratch.

Between the Gares.

The tide was edging out, slowly but surely.

A cloud like a breaking wave crossed the bay.

A young lady headed south on the water's.

She has a backpack that looked as empty as it was large.



Shortly afterwards the young lady returned north.

She overtook Beach Buoy and Another Dog.

Up ahead she paused and talked to a lady with a sea-bound Labrador.

Bailey the Spaniel came to say hello as did his very polite owner.

 They headed up the access ramp.

As Beach Buoy passed the Golf Club, a jogger crossed the road directly at him.
It wasn't done in an aggressive manner.
Maybe just coincidence that Beach Buoy and Another Dog just happened to be at his usual crossing point at that particular moment?
"Think we'll miss the rain?" asked the jogger.
"Hope so."
"About another hour or so." answered the jogger as he trotted off south between the golf and cricket clubs.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed back to base camp.
About an hour or so it began to rain.
So from now on, for blog purposes the jogger that they met this morning will be called
 The Jogging Weatherman.