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Saturday 3 December 2022


Borrowed Dog was stopping over for a few days.
Another Dog can be a bit of a bossy boots at times.

Beach Buoy, Borrowed Dog and Another Dog reached the beach at 7-21 a.m.
There was a hint of light on the horizon. 
Enough light to show that the sky was full of rain clouds. A HGV sat illuminated in his cab, maybe planning his route or possibly breakfast. 
Two cars were parked up; the distant wave lady and her group had already set off for a coffee and a sit and think on a driftwood bench.

Beach Buoy and the Dogs headed south.
The tide wea well out, beyond The Seaton Carew Wreck. 
The wind was off the sea.
Beach Buoy took a sip of coffee from a thermal mug as they walked.
Gulls hung in the sky above.

A man his dog went north on the water's edge.
Beach Buoy continued south, it was becoming lighter step by step.
Beach Buoy had two hoods up.
The hood was acting as if it were a parachute on a drag race car.

Beach Buoy pulled the zip of his Orange Jacket right to the top to limit the parachute effect.

The only hint of sunlight, was the light that reflected on an Aeroplane's Vapour trail.

They headed up to to Stubborn Dog Stack. 

"Morning Mate. "
Beach Buoy added some stones. 
He patted
It was 7-51 a.m.

Beach Buoy had a blustery look at the sea.
He drank coffee as Gulls drifted by on the wind. 

Beach Buoy and the dogs stayed up in the dunes as the distant wave group headed back north on the water's edge.

Unlike the sunlight, the rain made an appearance in person.
It was helped on its way by a chilly wind.
"See you mate "

One last look at the dune height view.

Lots of sand had gone.

They wandered down to the water's edge.

The sun gave what could be the first and last gold of the day?
They headed north.
Dottie Dog and her owner were heading south.
They chatted briefly as the dogs shared an excited welcome. 

Beach Buoy and the two dogs continued north.
A Whippet came scampering by as it owner walked the strand-line at a slower pace.
They headed back to the van. 

 They listened to the radio

The local presenter thanked Beach Buoy for a Seaton Snooks Tea room calendar.
Beach Buoy and the dogs left at 8.59