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Sunday 4 December 2022


Beach Buoy was up at 6-05 a.m. 
He made a coffee and toasted a teacake. 
It was another two dog day. 
Borrowed Dog is very loving and really just wants to sit on your knee millimetres from your face. 
Another Dog can become very jealous.
Beach Buoy ended up trying to drink coffee whilst stroking two dogs with a hand each. 
6-45 a.m  Beach Buoy could hear the wind blowing outside. 
It was as dark as night. 
Beach Buoy boiled the kettle once more. 
This time it was for Beach coffee. 

They reached the dark, wet and windy car park at 7-01. 
Beach Buoy slid open the side door of the van.
As he put on his beach boots a lady walked the promenade wearing a black and grey coat.
Winter morning camouflage. 
 Beach Buoy, Borrowed Dog and Another Dog headed to the water's edge, guided by torchlight. 

Torches in the car park.
It was the distant wave lady's group.

Out of the darkness, a friendly Pug from the group came zooming over.
Hugo came over from the group.
After a neck scratch he was off back with his group.
A group that was now heading south along the dune edge. 
It was still quite dark, any distant waves would go unseen for now. 

There was  a strange light out in the bay.
It amounted to nothing.
A bruised sky hung over the village to the north.
To the south, the distant wave lady's group had set off, full steam ahead. 

Beach Buoy and the dogs headed in the direction of Stubborn Dog Stack as a dozen Gulls hung in the wind overhead. 
The light increased.
From beach level the horizon was just a jagged sea.
A traffic cone lay on the strand-line.
It looked like a Dunce's cap, discarded by someone sick of playing the fool and had suddenly decided to run to the corridors of learning. 
The strong wind blew beach sand up the sandy slope.  

"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 
Beach Buoy drank coffee as he recalled a mirror flat sea, on the day a paddle boarder appeared from the river mouth before heading for the sea serpent marker. 
It was different sea today. 
"See you mate."
They headed back to the beach.  

Beach Buoy and the dogs walked towards the water's edge. 

Up behind the grey rocks, the Distant Wave Lady's Group sat looking out to sea and into the flames of a defiant driftwood bonfire.

Beach Buoy stood a while and watched the sea.

At times the sea can become a sculptor.

Gulls effortlessly hung in the wind.

They slowly made their way north.

They walked to the Seaton Carew Wreck.
The tide was coming to claim once more as it has done twice a day since the day it was wrecked.

As their walked ended other walks began.

They climbed up the beach access ramp. 
The Promenade looked and felt very windswept. 

At 4 Beach Buoy and Another Dog attended the brass band brass monkey swimmers event.
The wind was wild off the sea.
In true tradition, the show went on.

Bless them all.

Beach Buoy made a donation to the cause.

 A photograph to help with a daft drawing.
A darker sky offers more of a challenge to Beach Buoy's limited ability.