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Saturday 30 July 2022


Beach Buoy and Another Dog arrived at the beach car park at Bob o'clock; 8-08 p.m.

They wandered down the beach access ramp.

They had only been on the beach a few minutes, when a small black Pug came running over to them.

It was friendly enough.

As was it's owner.

She wasn't a local.

To Beach Buoy's northern ears, she sounded as if she were from London way.

He was most probably miles out.

As was an Irish lady in a Rome airport, when she said that Beach Buoy sounded "Just like  Tim Healy off Benidorm."... he doesn't.

The lady laughed and laughed as the two dogs played.


"Enjoy your walk."

Beach Buoy and Another Dog walked to the strand-line.

The tide was heading out.

They headed south.

It was a grand evening.

Normally, Razor Shells would number half a dozen at most. 

This evening there was well over a hundred , maybe more?

All were empty.

Beach Buoy shingle searched as he walked.

A lovely glass bottle top came into view.

Beach Buoy popped into his beach bag.

The beach was very quiet.

Lots of wonderful space.

Over near its marker, the Sea Serpent gave a hint of an appearance that wasn't going to be.

Suddenly, up on the dune edge, a family group appeared.

They walked inline, like a guided tour as they trekked the highs and lows of the dunes.

There was a mild breeze from the West.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to Stubborn Dog Stack.

Beach Buoy added six beach stones.

He patted 



"Evening Mate."

It was 8-38 p.m.

Thirty minutes to reach the stack.

Some would do it in ten.

Beach Buoy watched as the Sand Martins worked the dune edge, as they had done on their earlier stack visit.

The delightful little birds, working from dawn until dusk.

To the north, the gem of a village looked gorgeous in it's gold setting.

A young man approached from the south in the dunes.

He stepped down to the beach just before reaching Stubborn Dog Stack.

He headed north.

In next to no time, he had gone.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog made a move.

"See you mate."

Soon, they too were heading north, along the beach.

A couple walked the water's edge with their large wolf-looking dog.

The dog was put on a lead as they passed.

They are evening beach regulars.

The sun decided to make a late show.

It shone like treasure behind the village Church tower.

The light show change continually as they headed back to the van.

Clouds were picked out by shafts of golden light, brushed with pink and gold as the beams passed by.

The beams reminded Beach Buoy of car headlights, those you see when an unseen car approaches the brow of a hill on a dark country road.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog sat in the van.

Beach Buoy sat on the step of the van's side door.

The door open, Another Dog sprawled along the rear seat of the van.

Beach Buoy watched the light change in a not too distant Galaxy; a  Ford.

 One last look at the sky for now.

Time to go.