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Sunday 8 November 2020


Beach Buoy was up by 4 am.
He went on the computer and added words to yesterday's blog.
Stubborn Dog chose to go back to sleep.
When it was beach time Stubborn Dog looked a little too comfortable.

They walked to the beach once more, setting off on foot at 6-39 am.
It was a similar day to yesterday; damp and misty.
It was much milder.

A Gaggle of invisible Geese flew west.
A lady cyclist went by on a cycle that was too small for her, possibly her daughter's?

They crossed the car park.
There was only one vehicle in the car park; a Yellow Van.

The mist meant that the Wind Turbines could not be seen.

A metal detectroist scanned the dune edge looking for other people's misfortune.
It must have been his yellow van that was in the car park?

They headed for the water's and then to the south.
Stubborn Dog went on strike.
He was carried like a baby, carried like a bird of prey and given a cuddle.
He was willing to walk once more.

Mari the friendly poodle ran to say hello.

The beach walkers followed the lockdown rules...
1 + 1 
They followed footsteps too.

They stacked the stack and enjoyed the air.

A hole in the cloud and mist let the sun shine briefly.

Beach Buoy collected some beach clean items and dragged them behind.
Turns out Stubborn Dog walking had been good training.

Stubborn Dog thought he had made a new friend and chatted to the plastic drums on the way back.


They headed back.

They past a tree.

The last leaf.