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Saturday 28 November 2020


It was a frosty start to the day.

A frost covered van windscreen was cleared.

They reached the car park at 7-10 am.

A man pulled up nearby in a VW Golf.

He stepped out, wearing a large baseball cap and carrying a large camera.

He set off towards North Gare Pier, possibly on a sunrise hunt?

Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog headed for the water's edge.

It was a fair distance away today as the tide was so low.

 The low cloud towards the south looked like it was going to scupper any chance of a dramatic sunrise?


The sea was warmer than the frosty air.

An atmospheric steamy mist rose from the full length of the water's edge.

The Gulls seemed to using the sea as a foot spa after a long cold night, waiting for the day to arrive.

They stacked the stack to the sound of the loudest boat in the world chugging out to sea, unseen but audible.

They headed back to the beach.

Two people that were heading from the pier, decided to take a not so easy shortcut and clambered on all fours over the grey rocks.

The sea steam was so dramatic.

They paused a while near a rock pool as the North Gare Pier ran out to Sea.... one day.

The sky glowed as the unseen sun rose to find itself blocked by a cloud mountain.

Beach Buoy stood looking at the glow.

It felt a bit like standing outside an arena as a show took place, there he was without a ticket.

They began a slow walk back across sand then sea coal, then sand once more.

A Pair of dead man's fingers made it clear that Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog weren't welcome on its part of the beach.

Twists and turns of dark brown seaweed laid scattered near the water's edge, looking like the aftermath of a fight.

Wings and blades.

Back to the south, the sun peeked through a gap in the cloud and over the Pier, perhaps to check if Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog had  made the effort to attend the show?

A curtain of cloud seemed to follow them north along the bay.

Back in the van, the gloves were off.

Hot coffee.

The Hungry Seagull arrived, ready for business.

Beach Buoy was maybe too pleased that he had managed to find a torch to match the van's curtains.

Time to wash and wax again.