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Tuesday 10 November 2020


It was Tuesday.
They drove to the car park.
On the way they passed a man who was pulling a wheelie bin.
He looked like the french policeman off the TV show Allo Allo.
As he wheeled the bin he took a phone call.
Let's hope it was good nose.

They reached  the busy car park at 3-40pm
A colourful man and lady headed back to the car park from the water's edge.
The looked like that couple that you see painted so that you could have your photograph taken whilst putting your head in the holes where theirs would be.

It was mild.
The clouds out in the bay looked like a large wave about to swamp the ship that was heading for the safety of The Tees.

After stacking the stack they headed back to the van

Lights aren't just for Christmas.

Ho Ho Ho
Beach Buoy.