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Monday 23 November 2020


It was a Monday morning.

It was a day off.

Time and time again Beach Buoy goes to the beach early on a weekend.

He sees some lovely sunrises.

Some weekends though, the sun hides at sunrise, only to appear on a Monday morning, waving and shouting 'Wohooo! Over here.' as Beach Buoy goes to, or is already at, work.

Today he tried to catch the sun out.

A sneaky day off. 

Of course he could always just lay in bed, let the world outside unfold without him.

There was no chance of that.

He loved to see the start of the day, no matter what the sun had in mind.

They left the house under cover of darkness.

The sun suspected nothing...

The van tiptoed down the road that led to the still dark beach.

They reached the beach car park at 7-10 am.

A couple had already parked up and were beach bound. 

An illuminated Cyclist went by them. along the promenade.

Half man, half Christmas tree.

Beach Buoy headed to the sea , then south.

The social distancing 7 am club were already well along the beach, ahead of Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog.

Birds took flight as the  dawn beachgoers milled around.

There was a vast difference between the light to the south to that of the north.

There was lots of sea coal around.

It was quite deep in places.

They stacked Stubborn Dog stack.

Beach Buoy decided to wait to see just what the sun would do today.

The sky above the bay was awarded pink stripes, as a waking sea serpent twisted and turned below.

They were stood in a breeze, a cold breeze from the south west.

It was a cold morning.

Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog both had double coats on today.

Beach Buoy stuffed his fish finger hands into his pockets and made a note to self

'Buy Gloves.'

He did have a glove collection, but the collection was a little like a teenager's sock draw.

All different styles and colours.

He could always put odd gloves on?


He would rather have cold hands.

The Power Station rumbled to the west as the sea did the same to the east.

Busy birds crisscrossed both the bay and dunes.

They all looked as if they were late for an appointment.

Time flies.

7-54 am

The sun rose.

Beach Buoy waved and shouted 

'Wohooo over here!'

(How do you like it Sunshine?)

The dune grass glowed gold.

Their sunshine shadows shuffled around  and yawned.

The sun climbed.

The world was gold.

Some furnaces still burn.

They headed back to the beach.

The sea rushed to meet the grey rocks as if they were long lost friends.

The two beach pals headed back towards the van.

Coffee and blankets were waiting...

The sun slipped into the clouds, turning from an orange to a lemon as it did so.

Still lovely but not as sweet.

Whelk come to Seaton Carew.

Beach Buoy sipped hot coffee as Stubborn Dog introduced himself to a comfy blanket.

They headed back.


Later that day the book shown above arrived.
A 1972 book.
99p plus packaging.
It looks perfect.
A dated guide to the complete British coast, packed with information, some still relevant, some not.
Beach Buoy will have a better look and do a bit of a write up about his purchase for the blog as it has stirred a little online interest already.