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Wednesday 25 November 2020


It was a Wednesday afternoon.

It was 3-33pm.

The car park was busy, the promenade too.

There was still a full sun; a perfect golden disc that was just beginning its journey down below the distant horizon to the west.

Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog headed for the sea and the palest of sky blue skies that was a perfect back drop for the silvery sea that shimmered below.

The Moon looked as if had been dusted with icing sugar.

People milled around.

A Spaniel wagged its way past, squeaking its squeaky ball as it did so.

The Sea Serpent made the most of the last of the day, out in the bay.

It wasn't dark quite yet but the Moon took the chance to reflect on the beach's wet sand.

They went to stack Stubborn Dog Stack.

Beach Buoy is starting to interlock the collected beach stones lately, making the structure more stable and prominent from beach level.

They began a slow walk back.

The colours of the sky looked other worldly.

Gulls began to drift across from the west, out to sea.

Some in neat flying V  formation others; the majority looked more lines on random graphs.

The light that was still around was eerie.

The dunes looked as if they were on fire.

The sky was clear and crisp.

Out on the sea the moon laid a silver path to its front door.

An hour's walk completed.

The Village Church bells chimed for 4-30 as they passed The Hungry Seagull.

Beach Buoy.