' Excuse me mate....
Is there a Kabab shop nearby?'
Someone said there was one near the Cricket Club?
said a Bed and Breakfast Contractor looking for his tea.
Beach Buoy pointed with his free hand.
'Follow that road and go round the bend.'
Beach Buoy walked towards the Promenade with a wry smile.
He hadn't made note of the time when they had set off.
It didn't matter.
It was dark , so anytime after 5pm really!
It was raining.
Stubborn Dog was spending an age at each sniffing point.
Beach Buoy let him take his time.
After all it was the dog's social media scenes all rolled into one.
They passed the Beach Huts.
They stood waiting for summer, wet towels and flasks of tea.
They passed a bench with plastic flowers tied to it.
"He loved the sea.' said the note.
A dark alley tried to tempt them to take a short cut to the Village Churchyard.
They were having none of it.