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Saturday 25 January 2020


Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog left a dark house in a dark street at 6-50 a.m.
January birds sang as though it was spring.
They drove to dark car park and parked in the dark.
Beach Buoy jumped into the back of the van and put on the van's LED lights.
It was bright.
He changed into his beach boots.
He looked out through one of the tinted side windows.
The Wind Turbines red lights twinkled like strange stars.
An Orange light flashed to the north.
It was a Council clean up truck.
More flashing lights appeared as two cyclists reached the south end of the promenade and turned back to head north.
Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog reached
the beach at 7-08 a.m.
It was still dark.
The 7 a.m. club were a fair distance way, down by the water's edge.
Mari the mega friendly large poodle must have sensed Beach Buoy was around as she came bounding over in the darkness to say hello.
The only light in the sky was artificial, from the industry that  edged the River Tees.

There was no bright sunrise, just a fade to a lighter grey.
They did the dune thing and headed to the North Gare  Beach via the dunes.
The tide was out, the breeze chilly from the west.

Down to North Gare Beach it was....

They crossed the drained lagoon and headed for the riverside.

They found a zipped up Purse that had clearly,
 (once opened ) had been to sea.
Later in the day Beach Buoy would travel the ten miles to nearby Norton to reunite the purse with the purse owners mother thanks to an address, written on a driving license , enclosed in the purse.

She was both surprised and delighted. 

They headed back to the van searching shingle spreads as they did so.

Beach Buoy went to a football match.