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Saturday 18 January 2020


No early morning beach this morning for Beach Buoy.
The go to work alarm rang out at 5-20 am.
He headed for the riverside instead of the seaside.
He works alongside The Tees Transporter Bridge.
The van waited patiently in the dark riverside car park; it was more at home by the sea too.
In the blink of an eye it was 3 pm; Beach Buoy and the van headed North.

3-30 pm.... BEACH!
The car park was busy, it had been a nice day weather wise.
There was a cold breeze from the north - west.
The beach was busy.
The tide was well out, which meant everyone had lots of space.

Down by the water's edge, a man kicked a tennis ball for his dog and its wet sand reflection to chase;
they both caught it.
Beach Buoy called up into the dunes then back to the beach to go as far as the pier.

He walked back to the van with the steel coloured sea to his right.
The sea was in the process of reclaiming the beach, wiping the day's foot and paw prints.
Wiping the slate clean....