A day off from work. By 6-20 am Beach Buoy was up. This qualifies as a sleep in round these parts. 6-45am coffee made and in cup holder in van. Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog made the short journey to collect dog number two from one of his daughters. On the way they passed the local shopping arcade. Three Unadventurous Seagulls walked up and down the pavement either looking for scraps from the bins or possibly waiting for SPAR to open and 7am?It was a grey start to the day. The Street lights were off, but headlights were on. They collected the other dog; know on the blog as SWEEP. He makes noises like Sweep off the Sooty and Sweep T.V. shows and his walking style is sweeping the ground ahead of the human. (And a dragged Stubborn Dog.) They arrived at the T-junction at the Sea Front. Beach Buoy glanced beyond the unfinished Beach Huts, he could see the 7am club already heading south down by the water's edge. He turned right at the junction and ended up driving passed the newsagents shop that he goes to before work at the same time he would have been on a work day. He drove into the car park. Two large trucks were in his usual parking spot. He parked up and finished the coffee the he had brought and ate the chocolate biscuit that he had placed on the dashboard when he had left the house. From his vantage point, up in the van seat, he could see over the promenade wall. A large grey ship headed south across the grey bay, heading for the River Tees. Beach Buoy changed into his grey beach boots. The three were on the beach at 7-15am. The 7 am club were down by the grey rocks. |